Thursday, January 24, 2013

Crested Gecko calcium deficiency

            Sometimes crested geckos get a lack of calcium or a calcium deficiency. This generally happens when the crested gecko doesn't get enough calcium intake. For example, if you feed your crested gecko baby food, which you should never do because it doesn't give the right nutrition, your crested gecko could get calcium deficiency. It could also happen because of stress. Calcium deficiency is not generally deadly, there are only a few cases of death. If your crested gecko has a curvy tail it is a sign of calcium deficiency. To get rid of calcium deficiency you should switch to Rapashi's super foods, this is a mixture of fruits and gives a full balanced diet, they don't even have to eat anything else. Once you've done that you can add extra calcium to the food (which you could buy at any pet store) just make sure D3 isn't added. You can make sure that your crested gecko has enough calcium by gently opening it's mouth, look for two "calcium sacks" on each side, if they are not present this means it doesn't have enough calcium. If they are present there will be two white sacks.

                                                                 Curvy tails=bad sign

                                                     There are the two calcium sacks

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